Keys to Creating a Superb Design Intake Process
Keys to Creating a Superb Design Intake Process

One of the most critical components of effective workflow management is a well-structured design intake process. This crucial phase at the beginning of a project can significantly impact the success and efficiency of a team's creative endeavors. In this post, we will explore the key elements of an efficient design intake process and how to set up your own for success.

Standardize Requests with a Design Brief Template

Standardize request forms by requiring design briefs to ensure that all necessary project details are captured from the outset. When project requests lack clear and specific information, it can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and subpar deliverables.  A comprehensive brief ensures that your creative team has a thorough understanding of the project's objectives, target audience, and key messaging. This enables your team to make informed decisions during the creative process, resulting in designs that align closely with the requester's vision and requirements. Additionally, these forms can serve as a valuable reference point throughout a project lifecycle, ensuring that everyone involved stays aligned with the initial project scope and objectives.

Prioritize and Categorize

Implement a clear and structured system to prioritize incoming project requests to ensure that urgent and high-impact assignments receive prompt attention, preventing potential bottlenecks. Categorizing projects based on complexity, resource requirements, and alignment with strategic goals. This systematic approach enables you to identify projects that may require additional resources or collaboration with other teams and helps you make data-informed decisions to allocate resources efficiently and balance workloads.

Collaborative Review and Approval

Collaborative review and approval are essential components that foster effective communication and alignment among stakeholders. Involve key team members and clients in the review process to reduce the risk of misunderstandings and revisions later in the project. This collaborative approach also provides an opportunity for feedback and suggestions, allowing for early identification of potential issues and ensuring that projects meet the desired quality standards.

Evaluate and Iterate

Regularly evaluate and iterate on your design intake process- no process is ever perfect from the beginning. Consistently evaluating the effectiveness of your intake process enables you to identify areas of improvement and adapt to the changing needs of your organization. Continuous refinement allows you to optimize resource allocation, enhance collaboration, and ensure that your design team consistently delivers exceptional results. Adaptability is key.


A well-structured design intake process is the backbone of an efficient workflow. By following these actionable steps, from involving key stakeholders to maintaining a focus on continuous improvement, you can empower your design team to flourish and elevate your organization's creative endeavors.

(Image was generated by MidJourney)