Ronnie's Thoughts: If I Die Tomorrow This Is What I Did
Ronnie's Thoughts: If I Die Tomorrow This Is What I Did

So yesterday, I had a conversation with the brilliant and charismatic Ruben Harris, and he said something to me that changed the way I think about social media. 

He said…

“I treat social media like my public journal slash history book that also holds me accountable. My mindset is, if I die tomorrow what was I doing?" 

First, I love his perspective for so many reasons, but mainly because it’s honest and raw. It takes something that for most people feels fake - social media, and humanizes it. 

This made me think…what have I written publicly over the years? 

How to scale "Meaning"

April 2019

When I wrote this, I was struggling with thinking of how to start a company that would make an impact in people’s lives. 

Through my journey, I’ve been obsessed with understanding what makes work meaningful, and how to bring that sense of meaning to the lives of everyone.”

Read the full article on LinkedIn

Why we're launching in Africa

December 2019

When I wrote this, I was struggling with everyone telling me that it was crazy to launch a remote work company focused on African talent. 

“Why can’t Africa be the next India or China? Why can’t a place that’s historically been seen as a charity case be mainly funded for the value they bring and not through aid? 

Read the full article on LinkedIn

I'm not just another black guy

July 2020

When I wrote this, I was struggling to raise money, racial tensions were high, and this white guy advisor fucked me over. 

“Mentor finally says to me…'No, it’s because the other black guys I took to the investors aren’t doing so well, so you have to wait before I bring you to them'”. 

Read the full article on LinkedIn

And as of today, 3/2/23, what have I done? 

Launched a remote work company that is scaling meaningful work globally. 

On the way to creating 100,000 skilled jobs for Africans and working with iconic brands like Google, IDEO, Starbucks, J&J, Colgate and many many more. 

Raised $7M+ on an oversubscribed round, and have some of the most amazing investors like Stage2 - Mandy, Rethink - Ebony,  Lindsay, and Shauntel.

So, I think I’m going to take a page out of Ruben's book and start using LinkedIn as a personal journal. 

What’s my hope? I hope that if I die tomorrow the things I did made an impact in people’s lives.

- Ronnie Kwesi Coleman

About me 

Born in Ukraine, raised in Ghana. A college dropout who moved to America with $3,000.

But despite the odds, built a startup that exited for $40M, and am now building Meaningful Gigs where we’re creating 100,000 jobs for Africans and redesigning the future of creative work in a remote world. 

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