The Simple Way to Quickly Hire Creatives.
Find and hire mid to senior-level creative and design talent so you can focus on delivering more high-quality work.
I speak for the broader team when I say we are happy with the quality of work delivered by our Meaningful Gigs creatives and are excited to see what they will create with our other upcoming design projects.
Christian Eaglin
Employer Brand
Operations Manager
The value that me and the team receive from Meaningful Gigs for our ongoing creative work is unmatched.
Timothy Chow
Managing Director, Creative
We’re very happy with Grant and his team's work and meeting our deadlines for the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.
John Bissert
Producer, Production,
& Project Manager
Nickelodeon Logo
With Meaningful Gigs, the swift flexibility and proactive approach significantly streamlines the whole creative hiring process.
Bruno Borsetto
Category Manager Design UX IMS Procurement
Less searching and vetting.
More producing great work.
Our team of experts conducts an extensive vetting process to ensure high-quality creative matches that align with your brand and work culture. Our match guarantee speaks to our confidence that you’ll be thrilled with the creatives on our platform.
Learn More
Find, Hire, and Start Working With Creatives Within 48 Hours.
Tell us your needs and get a curated list of creatives from our team of experts.
Meet and select the most relevant creatives for your needs and work environment.
Creatives are embedded into your team and align with your working hours.
Meet Mid to Senior-Level Product Designers, Graphic Designers, Brand Creatives & Motion/Animation Designers.
Our network of creatives features hundreds of individuals and entire teams across every discipline you need.
View Our Competencies
Save Time & Get Better
Creative Matches with AI.
When you use our creative matching platform, it learns from your past matches to refine future recommendations, ensuring the perfect creative talent for your needs. Spend less time searching, and more on delivering high-quality work.
What Our Customers Say
5 Things We Are Not
We are not a staffing company
We are a technology company who
puts the customer first.
We are not limited by geography
A global team is a feature, not a bug.
We are not exploiting talent
We are changing lives and paying well above current market rates.
We are not cheap
We believe if you do quality work, where you live shouldn't change your pay.
We are not transactional
We believe in building long term relationships.
5 Things we are Not
We are not a staffing company
We are a technology company that puts the customer first
We are not limited by geography
A global team is a feature, not a bug
We are not exploiting talent
We are changing lives and paying well above current market rates
We are not cheap
We believe if you do quality work, where you live shouldn't change your pay
We are not transactional
We believe in building long term relationships
Ready to learn more about how Meaningful Gigs can enhance your creative hiring process?
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